The Landscapes of Place Project

“Outside lies utterly ordinary space open to any casual explorer willing to find the extraordinary….”

Our local “spaces” in the world have never been more important. As the 21st century and globalization transform an ever more interdependent world our local spaces rural, urban, small and large are now vital hubs within a network of human organization and resilience: information, politics, economies, and environments. Day in and day out we travel our local corridors by foot, bicycle, car, bus and train. What do we notice? Why is it important? How is your local “space” connected via roads, energy, economy, society, and environment to your neighboring community and the world?

The Landscapes of Place Project weaves landscape study (geography, history, sociology) to create permissions for a “Spacial Turn” (Juldi) which might enable young people and old to notice, map and revitalize the spaces they call home for the future.